
Anthocyane & Augengesundheit: Neue Erkenntnisse

Anthocyanins & eye health: new findings

A recent study examined the distribution of blackcurrant anthocyanins in the eye tissues of rabbits and rats. The results show that anthocyanins can effectively reach different areas of the eye,...

Anthocyanins & eye health: new findings

A recent study examined the distribution of blackcurrant anthocyanins in the eye tissues of rabbits and rats. The results show that anthocyanins can effectively reach different areas of the eye,...

Therapeutische Wirkungen von Anthocyanen auf Sehvermögen und Augengesundheit

Therapeutic effects of anthocyanins on vision a...

Anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants found in berries, offer numerous benefits for eye health. They support blood circulation, promote rhodopsin regeneration, and help treat myopia and glaucoma. Studies show that anthocyanins can...

Therapeutic effects of anthocyanins on vision a...

Anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants found in berries, offer numerous benefits for eye health. They support blood circulation, promote rhodopsin regeneration, and help treat myopia and glaucoma. Studies show that anthocyanins can...