Natural remedies for constipation: Insights into the effectiveness of prune juice and kiwi

Constipation is a common problem that affects many people and often affects the quality of life. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that can help. In this blog post, we answer the most common questions about home remedies for constipation and discuss two significant studies that examined the effectiveness of prune juice and kiwi.

What effect do plum juice and kiwi have on the body when constipated?

Plum juice and kiwi contain natural components that can aid digestion and relieve constipation. Plum juice is rich in sorbitol, pectin and polyphenols, which have a laxative effect. Kiwi contains fiber and actinidin, an enzyme that improves digestion.

Which studies prove the effectiveness of plum juice and kiwi against constipation?

Study 1: Plum juice against chronic constipation

Title: Prune Juice Containing Sorbitol, Pectin, and Polyphenol Ameliorates Subjective Complaints and Hard Feces While Normalizing Stool in Chronic Constipation: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
Authors: Taishi Koyama, Naoyoshi Nagata, Kengo Nishiura, Naoki Miura, Takashi Kawai, Hirotaka Yamamoto
Journal: American Journal of Gastroenterology
Date: 2022
DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001931

This prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigated the effect of prune juice on chronic constipation in Japanese subjects. The study included 84 participants diagnosed according to the Rome IV criteria who consumed either prune juice or a placebo for 8 weeks.

Methods and study design
Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: one group received 54 g of prune juice daily, the other a placebo of identical taste and color. The primary outcomes included stool consistency (measured by the Bristol Stool Form Scale) and subjective discomfort (measured by the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale).

Results of the study

  • Stool consistency: Prune juice significantly reduced the frequency of hard and lumpy stools and increased the frequency of normal stools.
  • Subjective complaints: Participants in the prune juice group reported a significant reduction in constipation and hard stools without increased complaints such as flatulence or diarrhea.
  • Safety: No adverse side effects occurred and there were no laboratory abnormalities related to liver or kidney function.

Prune juice was found to be an effective and safe natural remedy for treating chronic constipation. It improved both stool consistency and subjective complaints of the participants.

Study 2: The effect of kiwi on digestive health

Title: The Effects of Green Kiwifruit Ingestion on Digestive Health, Blood Flow, Skin Health, and the Autonomic Nervous System
Authors: Fumi Ishida, Ailing Hu, Takuji Yamaguchi, Yuna Naraoka, Hiroyuki Kobayashi
Journal: Health
Date: 2021
DOI: 10.4236/health.2021.136049

This randomized controlled trial investigated the effects of eating two green kiwis per day on various health parameters in 11 healthy women over a period of four weeks.

Methods and study design
Participants were randomly divided into two groups: one group consumed two kiwis daily, the other group did not eat kiwis at all. Aside from limiting the consumption of yogurt and other fruits, no other dietary changes were made.

Results of the study

  • Digestive health: Consumption of kiwis significantly reduced digestive discomfort and increased stool frequency.
  • Blood flow: A significant increase in peripheral blood flow, especially in the fingers, was observed.
  • Skin health: Participants in the kiwi group reported a significant improvement in skin brightness.

Daily consumption of green kiwifruit has been shown to be safe and effective in improving digestive health, increasing stool frequency and improving skin health.

Frequently asked questions about home remedies for constipation

Which home remedies help with constipation?
In addition to plum juice and kiwi, linseed, psyllium, sauerkraut juice and plenty of water can also help promote digestion.

How do flax seeds work against constipation?
Flaxseeds are rich in fiber and help soften stools and increase stool frequency. One study showed that flaxseeds can increase average stool frequency from 2 to 7 times per week.

Are psyllium seeds better than other laxatives?
Yes, one study showed that psyllium is superior to sodium docusate by significantly increasing stool water content and stool frequency.

discussion of the results

The two studies impressively demonstrate how effective natural remedies such as plum juice and kiwi can be against constipation. Plum juice, rich in sorbitol, pectin and polyphenols, improved both the consistency of the stool and the subjective complaints without significant side effects. Kiwi, on the other hand, rich in fiber and the enzyme actinidin, increased the frequency of stools and also improved blood flow and skin brightness.

These results underline the importance of natural foods in the treatment of digestive problems. Both studies emphasize that regular intake of prune juice and kiwi is not only safe, but also offers significant benefits for digestive health.


Natural remedies such as prune juice and kiwi provide an effective and safe method of treating constipation. Both studies show that these natural remedies can improve stool consistency and frequency and reduce subjective discomfort. In addition, they offer other health benefits such as improving blood flow and skin health.


  1. Prune Juice Containing Sorbitol, Pectin, and Polyphenol Ameliorates Subjective Complaints and Hard Feces While Normalizing Stool in Chronic Constipation: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
  2. Kiwi: The Effects of Green Kiwifruit Ingestion on Digestive Health, Blood Flow, Skin Health, and the Autonomic Nervous System

Further information Learn more about the health benefits of prune juice, kiwi and other natural remedies for constipation. Visit our website to discover more helpful tips and scientific evidence to improve your digestive health.

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